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Showing posts from October, 2017


The Berliner Morgenpost,   is meant for people are who in berlin that want to know the current in status. In this article, The content shows an interactive map and info to come with it. The visual elements include, info talks about creating a “bigger and better buildings in berlin. They want to do it because they to create a better future. They use a interactive map to show berlin in 1990-2017 to the future to come. You can move the map around to see different parts of berlin. The typefaces that are being used is: Helvetica and  Georgia,serif. You navigate the page by scrolling down or moving the map. If you change the bandwidth it will stack the map up top and the info towards the bottom. webbyawards

Da bears

    This National geographic page is meant for anyone who wants to learn about bears. The content talks about two types of bears: Black Bear and Grizzly Bear. You can view a map that shows were you can find them. Visual elements are pictures of the bears, a map and videos of the bears. This makes the site look informative and educational. Four types of font families: 'Chronicle Display 6r’, Georgia Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial and Nimbus Sans L, sans-serif. You scroll down the page by moving the scroll bar. Nothing too special just your standard responsive site. Desktop and mobile.  Webbyawards

Milwaukee Ballet

Milwaukee Ballet , is both a school and place to show performances. This is meant for people want to learn or watch a performance. The content shows about us, student cast, performances, students classes and drop in classes, Faculty and staff.  Visual effects are dancers both male and female showing a lot of movement and action. Different types of accessories that’s being warn for shows. This gives the page a sense of elegance and free flowing  gesture.  Three font families are being shown "capitolium-news-2",serif; "open-sans",sans-serif and inherit. You navigate by scrolling down on the page. If you change browser width it will show a mobile menu of the six main components. Desktop and mobile webbyawards


Newyorkcity, is a tourist site who wants to visit NYC. The content shows different events, activities, hotels and restaurants within NYC. The visual elements are events, people, hotels, food and attractions within amusement parks. This makes it look exciting and fun. The font that’s being used is Helvetica Neue",Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif .  You navigate by using the scroll bar. All the Events and tourist sites are stacked into rows if you change the browser width. Desktop and mobile. webbyawards